Swedish expert: Cultural BRI in the making_全球热点评
A cultural "Belt and Road" is in the making through the Global Civilization Initiative, Hussein Askary, vice-chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, told China Daily.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and in March this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative.
Askary said that one of the important characteristics of Chinese civilization is that it evolves and develops with time. He said Chinese culture absorbs other cultures and adapts them to the Chinese context while sharing knowledge with others. He cited the example of China sharing the knowledge about how to produce paper on an industrial scale along the ancient Silk Road. He further said that through the GCI, people believe China and the rest of the world can share and impart new cultural discoveries.
- Swedish expert: Cultural BRI in the making_全球热点评
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